Today our title is Hand.
You can use hand to do a lot of thing...
Let pictures below show something...
See this? Use to smash people wan...
This 1, like want something from dono who...
This leh, more like try to concentrate energy and give a nice chop...
This is "Nah, take la" or more polite "Here please..."
This wan the thumb dono want to go where? Middle or side?
Finally choose to go inside.
Nah, give you la...
Try to imagine you are saying "Wah!"
See this? Imagine Sun Wukon blow his fur with this style
I swear i won't....
Dark strong fist
Heard before? "Sa bou gam dai geh qun tao..."(cantonese: fist as big as clay pot)
Give me give me, give me $$$
He wanna do this....
But cannot wor....
So use hand lo...
This wan no need!
Trying to make his pity finger broke izit?
"Heiiiiiii......." Ready for a fight.
See this? give comment after see, if not- Bang!
Die under my fist....justkidding wan
You can use hand to do a lot of thing...
Let pictures below show something...
Die under my fist....justkidding wan
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