Saturday, February 27, 2010


  Did any people watch this drama? I think it is not that worst as my fren say:"This drama just a combination of those pretty and handsome people who does not know how to act..." Yup, it might sounds true but i think it is not that worst.

  Just finish watching the last chapter and got a new idea about something. Why must use those "aura" or fist or "power" when fight? This drama use music~ Yup, guitar, drum, piano and etc. Maybe some wont agree to use music to fight, but in this drama, the "fight" cannot be treated like those fighting in Kung Fu movie. It is very simple, using song to calm down your opponents. Is that great...?!

  This drama let me think of some moral values(OMG, sounds like writing an essay for form 5 BM literature~~~). First of all, the love between brothers and sisters. One of the character in this show is not a real brother for his so call "smelly sis", but at the end you will realize actually he very care about her, although bully her everytime.

  Second, do something based on what you think is right(in real world it must be a right thing to do also) and dun just simply follow your friends or even family, blindly! If your family ask you to go steal, kill and put fire, will you do it?

  Third, is true that maybe you cannot choose your fate since the birth, but you have the ability to choose wat you wish for your future. Dun just simply choose something based on your anger and you will sure regret when you found out it is a stupid choice...

  Fourth, waiting might sounds fool to someone, but did you ever think that something might be worth to wait for? Sometimes you will face a lot of problem during the waiting period, but did you ever think of the sweet you would get at the end?

  Fifth, dun simply give up something damn important to you just because of some minor and stupid reason... nothing much to explain, think about it. Is it a very stupid act to give up your health just because of .... maybe RM1? Ya, i know is a very bad comparison...

KO 3anguo
just a drama that my fren dun like but i like @@

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