Sunday, January 17, 2010


  Is been a very long time since my last post... is it? Wat ever since I dint notice bout it....let the time flow with the wind..... sounds like i am wasting it !! This holiday I am doing nothing... actually a lot too. I eat, sleep, rest, watch, play game and etc. Very busy life~ kekeke.

  I play an old RPG game and the story line is quite ok. Now i know why the tiny characteristic will contribute to the success of a game. Mark down that for my next game creation. Hehe.

  Between, I finally open an account for FB. WTW, what happened to me, why i opened it~ is because of something that make me open it. Wanna know what is that? Find me and I might let you know. (Who cares, open ald so weird meh? Hay yo~~~)

Who can see what am I trying to draw?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

now no FB account mean outdate?i wonder...=D