Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Another story from a little old man...

  This few day damn tired, if there is a word which can best describe damn than damn, pls let me know it and i will use it. Assignment all coming in one box(ya, diff describe method) and test come in one car(yet another diff method of describing). This car move in acceleration and this box is damn heavy.

  Is good thing to take in mind that maybe DARK should just come out and try to live in real world for one week, maybe things will get better~~~ who knows? Since DARK is basically better than HE. Did any of you remember i post a blog saying that although a person dun mind you use his thing... did NOT mean that u no need to ask for it. Is ok for me if u use it after asking my permission but NO, you all never ask and use it just like the thing is urs and u simply smash it like a toy? WTW, pls think of my feeling. I am easily get bullied not mean you will easily get rid of that, remember, a silent volcano will be erupt quite soon if the pressure in it cannot maintain anymore~~~

  Now let's hear a story from an old man (is in chinese version.... will consider english version if any kind people would like to help me translate it...). Here goes nothing but a rather silly weak chinese story:



  小英听了,点点头。明月继续说:“思远哥哥,你就别再转了,要不然待会儿我扶不起两个人。一个呆呆的转,一个笨笨的跟着...” 话还没说完,放在小英身旁大树下的剑突然冒起了烟,一人影冒了出来~ “哇!剑魔老前辈,都跟你说了几次,别突然间冒出来,会吓坏我的~~”小英边说边把手安抚自己的心,好让自己冷静。剑魔笑了一下,眼睛马上化为红色,转过头来对着思远。

  又一段琴声飘来,明月站了起来,慢条斯理的走过小湖中央的石桥,手放在思远的肩膀上,道:“思远哥哥,你看,把老前辈都逼急了。停一下吧!”小英听了连忙插了一口:“对极了,让老老先生去把那一群人万剑穿心,什么事都搞定。没事,没事!” 思远终于停了下来。

  小英道:“就那么简单,你想得过于复杂。”剑魔说:“小姑娘所言极是。思远,别想太多。待老夫使出穿云剑,将那人刺穿,那边什么事也没了。”思远道:“世上一切决非对错那么简单,何况刚才明明就是双方的失误,老前辈你要将对方营地夷为平地,未免有点太过火了吧?算了算了,待我好好想想...” 剑魔听了,气得满脸通红:“真被你给气死,我休养去,免得被你气得投胎不成。”说完后,咻一声又随烟雾散去。小英听了,对明月说:“明月姐姐,算了。我赏花去,免得被这木头人气得满脸出皱纹。”说完便向朵朵鲜花盛开的原地行去。明月坐下来,继续弹着“菩提心静曲”,让思远一个人好好冷静。



1 comment:

Unknown said...

nice post i like tis