Wednesday, October 27, 2010


  Well, guess most of you will not understand what is the true meaning of my title today, maybe dun have this word also in the world. Initially plan to upload something kinda emo, sad and blue today, but thanks to some "Golden Treasure", teach me have to think positively.

  Wake up in this morning without sleep back, just to search for some software and use it in this 2 and a half months, but end up I success found it, but my netbook resolution cannot support it. Is kind of dissapointing cuz my dream was full of it.

  My friend tell me I was acting weird today, just because I done a few thing which i think is normal.
  1. I suddenly scream in the office.
  2. I use a hammer and bang the table in the office.
  3. I cannot pay attention to what they all say while dinner time.
  4. I talk lesser than normal day.
  So what is happening to me? Just have a guess, but I think the answer should be different for many people. My personal answer is BLUE come again.

  Few idea come into my mind, about create some game, plot of the game, character, story and etc... but too sad, I dont have the time to do it...I promise I will do one game that I like, according to my dream world and my true feel some day. Who ever want to share some idea with me, you are so welcome to do so, honestly and faithfully.

1 comment:

Vincent Goh said...

Like usual, I'm your first commentor ...lolx...

I like the screaming and use hammer to bang the table part. Be careful they will send u to Tanjung Rambutan~~ =)

I think I need to post more positive stuffs...remain cheers~~ ^^